DESIGN MOBILIER - camera de copil

Camera unui copil este un univers al basmului, al imaginatiei si al culorilor vii, un spatiu in care se reflecta personalitatea fiecaruia.

O astfel de camera devine o provocare pentru orice designer si mai ales pentru producatorii de mobila la comanda. Problema intervine atunci cand designerul isi da prea mult drumul la imaginatie si nu tine seama de proiectarea si realizarea propriuzisa a mobilei in atelier, unde nu totul se poate lasa la voia executantilor.
Materialul folosit la acest mobilier este ales din catalogul Egger care exceleaza atit prin calitate cit si prin diversitatea de texturi si culori. Am ales ca elemente de baza casuta, cetatea si buburuza care se pretau bine si la cerinta clientului. In imagini nu am accentuat partea decorativa a camerei ci doar structura si designul mobilierului.


A child’s room is a fairytale universe sorrounded by imagination and lively colours, a space that reflects each child’s personality.
A room such as this one can become a challange for any designer and especially for the custom producers of furniture. A problem occures when the designer let’s his imagintation loose and overlooks the details of the furniture’s actual execution in the workshop, where not everything can be left in the worker’s hands.
The material used on this furniture is from the Egger catalogue, which excels in quality and diversity of coulurs and textures.
For this project were chosen base elements such as the house, the castle and the ladybird according to the solicitor’s requirements. In this images below, the emphasis was posed not on the decorations, but on the design and structure of the furniture.